Friday, December 27, 2019

How a Social Media Recruiting Policy Can Help Protect your Business

How a Social Media Recruiting Policy Can Help Protect your BusinessHow a Social Media Recruiting Policy Can Help Protect your BusinessHow a Social Media Recruiting Policy Can Help Protect your Business ConlanThe rise of social media recruiting has made it possible for people to find out a lot about each other but that can information can become hazardous to a legal hiring process.A candidates online profile can be instructive in providing a hiring manager with insights as to a candidates work ethic, character and reputation, which are all important factors in determining whether someone is the right fit for a job, says Angela J. Reddock-Wright, an employment law attorney and mediator with Reddock Law Group in los Angeles. However, determining such information based on a candidates social media profile can be a slippery slope.Heres how to keep useful information from turning into TMI (too much information) in your social media recruiting and why having a policy in place can help pro tect your company.The Need for a Social Recruiting PolicyEven if gathered inadvertently, information derived from a candidates social media profile can put you at risk for a lawsuit down the road. Thus employers should be aware of learning about a candidates protected class information, says Andrew Horowitz, an attorney in the Pittsburgh office of Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell Hippel. These prohibited employment policies are enforced by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC.)For example, a candidates social media presence might reveal information about religion, race, political affiliation or other protected statuses. Later, if the candidate isnt hired and claims discrimination, the employers best defense is ignorance of the candidates protected status at the time the decision was made, Horowitz says. However, if you learn of this information while looking at social media, that defense is lost.Many employment law experts recommend establishing a formal social media pol icy about how social media profiles are reviewed.Typically a social media review policy would define both what the employer is and is not looking for in reviewing social media, Horowitz says. Some examples of legitimate items to look for could include negative postings about past employers, material relating to alcohol or drug abuse, crime, dishonesty and so on.One thing to absolutely avoid asking candidates for passwords to go digging in their profiles yourself. A lot of states have started passing laws that prohibit employers from requiring applicants to disclose their passwords to social media accounts, says Shelby Skeabeck, a management-side labor and employment lawyer at Shawe Rosenthal in Baltimore.Be koranvers to Back Up your PolicyOnce you have a social media policy, put it into action by developing a strong process to support it. This might include identifying which social media channels should be checked for legitimate information and which shouldnt.The value coming from some types of social media isnt as high as the risk of potentially finding out something you dont want to know, Skeabeck says. For example some social media sites include work history or project portfolios, while others are more geared toward sharing photos of friends and family.If you have adequate staff, consider adding a layer of independent review to help strengthen your candidate review process. This might be someone who is otherwise not involved in the hiring decision who could review social media profiles for items defined in the policy. He or she can then report back to the decision-maker in writing, Horowitz says.This report could include red flags about behavior or a lack of information that supports the resume. It should not include any information about protected statuses, including but not limited to race, color, national origin, religion, disability, including being associated with a disabled person, illness, pregnancy, family status, veteran or reserve status and sexu al orientation or gender identity, where protected by local law, Horowitz says.Keep What You Learn in ContextNot everything you can learn via online profiles is relevant to someones suitability for a job opening as such, its important to keep the persons whole application in mind.Charles Rogel, vice president of products and marketing at DecisionWise, a management consulting firm in Springville, Utah, checks to make sure the person has put some time into the profile. He determines whether its well-connected and shows relevant interest in other groups.I also check other social media sites to see if their interests match the job opportunity, Rogel says.Information shared by people other than the candidate may not be the best indicator of what the candidate is like. People tag each other in silly stories and pictures they see all time, Skeabeck says. Sometimes you have to take it with a grain of salt because it might not be coming from the candidate they may have even been tagged by so meone who doesnt know the candidate.None of the information provided herein constitutes legal advice on behalf of Monster.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Use Flexible Work Options to Help Fill your Skills Gap

Use Flexible Work Options to Help Fill your Skills GapUse Flexible Work Options to Help Fill your Skills GapUse Flexible Work Options to Help Fill your Skills Gap DeZubeAs part of todays changing workforce, offering workers flexible work arrangements can help broaden your companys access to talent, cut overhead costs andaddress your skills gap. They can also help improve employee zurckhalten.Transitioning from traditional, in-office, 9-5 jobs to more flexible work options can also widen your pool of job applicants. Todays job seekers put a premium on workplace benefits such as telecommuting, part-time hours, compressed work weeks, flex time, sabbaticals, job sharing, shift trading, unlimited vacations, project-based contracts or temporary positions.Who Benefits from Flexible Options?Flexible work options can be a particularly effective recruiting tool for small and medium-sized organizations. These companies can more readily assess their impact on the companys goals, culture, values and bottom line.Flex workers help employers find the best people for each job, and help managers focus on the most important aspects of a job - output and results - rather than when, where, and how a job gets done. It turns out, those criteria dont matter all that much, says Sara Sutton Fell, CEO and founder of FlexJobs.Sutton Fell and other workplace experts suggest considering flexible work offerings when doing workforce planning, particularly if you face these five common recruitment challenges1. You cant find, or cant afford, specialized talent to close your skills gap.Does your company lack a large budget for compensation, employee development or other perks? Flex options can help you tap the pool of MBAs, JDs and CPAs who dont want to make a full-time, on-site commitment. And once you attract talent with flexible options, theyre in your talent pipeline.Keep in mind that as employees age, their lifestyle demands change. Todays sandwich generation who care for small children a nd elderly relatives is tomorrows empty nester. When your workforce planning automatically includes flex options, youll find new ways that perks can attract and retain different employee cohorts.In niches such as information technology and engineering, flex assignments are so in demand that contract and temporary workers have overtaken full-time employees as the norm, says Brad Beckner, vice president for the Chicago market of Kelly Services. Companies that fail to adapt to the trend could end up with fewer candidates from which to choose.2. Efficiency gains, lower overhead and reduced compensation costs are a priority.Some workers who see flexibility as part of their compensation will work at competitive or even reduced rates. They put a price tag on it, says says Ellen Grealish, partner and cofounder of FlexProfessionals, LLC. While compensation varies based on the position, its not unusual to see a 10 percent to 15 percent discount in salary, plus no benefits costs, for part-time , flexible workers.That said, theres a limit to how much and how often an organization can discount compensation for flexibility. Job candidates with in-demand skills and experience know they dont have to compromise on compensation. In these cases, the organization can use flexibility as a deal-maker when competing with not-so-flexible opportunities.3. You need a strong bench team to test a new market.When security certification and clearance company Corsec Security needed to augment its workforce, it encountered a very tight talent market within the industry, both nationally and locally.By creating a flex workforce plan, the company was able to bring in talent that was previously out of reach. Now, we never encounter resource gaps and can bring on multiple projects at a time to satisfy client demand, which then goes directly to our bottom line, says Corsec Chief Administrative Officer Chandra James.4. Your organization seeks reduced turnover.In addition to helping build out a talen t pipeline, flex work options can help you boost employee retention by retaining workers who would otherwise leave due to lifestyle changes.A lot of people are looking for flexible roles at a time in their lives where they dont need the title, the stress, or even the salary, Grealish says. What they do want a balanced work environment where theyre challenged.Dont be surprised if a shift toward flexible work options spurs either resentment or demand for the same benefits from on-site employees. In organizations that opt to offer flex work to everyone, a quick survey of existing workers will uncover the most appealing options, which you can then consider adding to your workforce plan.When a job isnt conductive to flexibility, dont force the issue. Not all jobs can be done by flex workersand many companies still need full-time people in seats.You have to run your business, says Roberta Matuson of Matuson Consulting. If someone wants to go to an ashram in Thailand once every three month s that might not be the right person because its your busy time. Employers are bending over backward to accommodate employees instead of finding the right person. If thats not the right fit, you shouldnt be hiring them.5. Your firm is considering foreign workers for roles it cant fill with U.S. talent.Hiring remote workers in foreign companies is one way to expand your business territory into areas with low overhead and startup costs. Before you add foreign employees to your workforce plan, consider the tax, legal and accounting issues in the United States and in the workers home countries.Hiring a freelancer is likely very different from hiring a full-time employee in another country, Sutton Fell says. Also, depending on the situation, companies that hire in foreign countries can be held responsible for following those countries tax and human resources laws.The Risks of FlexibilityUsing flex workers may seem like a good strategy, but its a significant change, even for a small busin ess. Before you start, consider consulting with legal and tax professionals about state and federal laws governing flex and temp workers.While flexible work options can provide a range of potential benefits, remember that your recruiting headaches will never disappear entirely. But they might lessen if youre willing to make the initial investment to consider flexible workplace options.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Fix Your Lazy Network in 5 Easy Steps

Fix Your Lazy Network in 5 Easy StepsFix Your Lazy Network in 5 Easy StepsIve heard the phrase Youre only as valuable as your network my entire life, but I never considered it a major asset because I couldnt necessarily see it.I can see my resume and my cover letter. I can see the results of the latest project I worked on at my job. But my network- an intangible workhorse plugging away on my behalf 24/7- welches hard to quantify, and therefore invisible because I spent my time focusing on cohorts in school and coworkers at work.The reality, however, is that whether you choose to see it or not, your network is incredibly important. Whether your network represents new business for your freelancing career or youre on the hunt for a new job and being considered by a third-degree connection on LinkedIn, the value of your network can lead directly to the value of your income or salary (not to mention career mobility and entrepreneurial growth).How to Improve the Value of Your NetworkIf y ouve been passive about developing your network, its never too late to start again. Here are five ways you can improve the value of your network and get a better-paying job1.Specialize in somethingThe most important thing you can do for your career is to get specific about what it is you like to do and create a headline for yourself based on your goal career. The Harvard Business Review perfectly outlines this trait as your Personal Value Proposition. Its the ability to zero in on what youre good at and what you love to do and make a reputation for yourself doing it.Establishing yourself as a go-to person for a given field or topic doesnt have to be fassonal. Its just about making your interests known within your personal network so that friends, professional contacts and potenzial hiring managers dont have to guess at your skills. Your reputation, interests and resume clearly align you with the position.2.Use manners on social media sites such as LinkedInWhen you connect with someo ne on LinkedIn, always send a note. Many people wont consider connecting with someone without an introduction, so sending a note will increase the odds of a successful connection.Something as simple as Hello Anne, I saw your profile and noticed youre interested in reading books on business and leadership. Id love to connect to read more about your thoughts on what youre reading will help you make an impression and build a relationship rather than the other person wondering if you accidentally hit Connect while your phone tumbled around in your briefcase. Even if its obvious why you are connecting with this person, sending a note can help start a conversation and provide context for your connection request.3.Target your live networking opportunitiesDont sign up for networking events based on the title or purpose of the event. Sign up based on who will be there. Target the people who can hire you and go to events that they would choose to attend. This may mean youre the only nurses as sistant at a healthcare marketing networking event for HR managers, but it also means youre going to have the opportunity to form relationships with people who can hire you rather than other nurses assistants who cannot hire you.4.Help othersWhile its important to seek out relationships with people who can help you, its just good business to be open to relationships with people you can help. Keeping an eye out for ways you can help someone selflessly (perhaps by stopping by their local store, liking their side business on social media or giving feedback on a new promotion theyre running at work) allows you to develop a positive reputation and satisfy your personal desire to be a part of a community. By giving as much as possible to your network, you put yourself in the position to meet the right opportunity when it comes along.5.Break the ice in personAmanda Marko, President of Connected Strategy Group, says that a face-to-face meeting is always more memorable and actionable and tha t advice stays true today. But many job hunt introverts find themselves nervous about what to say, or worse, completely blank when the time comes to chat.When you find yourself in a position to network with someone who could help your career, its important to have a few icebreakers to facilitate the connection. Stock up on a few standard introductory questions, such as your elevator pitch, your business card and (if it fits your personality) a few jokes. If possible, be ready to share a story or something youve learned recently that applies to the situation. Smile naturally and shake hands firmly and you are well on your way to establishing a friendly relationship.If youre only as valuable as your network, its worth taking steps today to invest in yourself and grow your value over time. Implement these steps to grow a targeted, vibrant network of people who can help you and who you can help, and youll find great value in it indeed.

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to Use Google Alerts - The Muse

How to Use Google Alerts - The MuseHow to Use Google Alerts We all Google ourselves. Its notlage narcissistic- its a great way to keep tabs on our online profile and make sure nothing unfavorable is showing up. (And okay, its also a little narcissistic.)Lately, Ive been taking my Google game to a whole new level with Google alerts. This tool allows you to see when your chosen word or phrase pops up in the berichterstattung. (Heres a great step-by-step tutorial if youd like some help setting up alerts.)I monitor Aja Frost, so every time Im mentioned by a news or media outlet, I get an email from Google showing me the source. But thats not the only way Google alerts are helpful- in fact, Ive used them to nail an interview, forge stronger connections, and stay current in my field. Heres how.Keeping Up With CompaniesTheres no better way to fail an interview than by showing up and knowing nothing about the company. Conversely, theres no better way to show the interviewer youd be a great h ire than by demonstrating specific, current knowledge of how the companys doing. Rather than doing a binge-read through the companys site and Google results the night before the interview, set a Google alert for its name as soon as you decide to apply. When the company announces its brought on a new senior vice president of absatzwirtschaft, youll find out that same night. Then, during your interview, you can mention how excited you are about the possibility of working with the new VP- you know he did amazing things at his last job(Side note If one of the companies you want to track has a strong international presence, this would be a great time to use Google alerts region option to see results from key countries.)Oh, but dont go overboard. When I first discovered Google alerts, I immediately set them for my top 15 dream companies. Big mistake- I started getting four or five emails a night and quickly fell behind. Now I track around four. Every company doesnt show up in the news eve ry day, so its definitely a manageable amount.NetworkingIt can be a struggle to stay in contact with people who are, well, useful to know, but unconnected to your daily life. I have a hard time emailing my former editors Theyre really busy and I always feel awkward sending them yet another message saying, How are you? I just finished up my third quarter and On the other hand, when I graduate, I dont want my first message in three years to be, Im looking for opportunities in the editorial field- do you know anyone whos hiring?But now that Ive set Google alerts for the key professionals with whom I want to stay in touch, finding reasons to email is no longer a problem.Last week, for example, I got a Google alert informing me that a woman I met during an internship two summers ago (mine, not hers), had just launched a startup. I quickly sent her a congratulatory email not only was she touched I took the time to reach out, but she also said she was impressed at how quickly Id heard the news.Unless absolutely everyone in your network is doing newsworthy things all the time, I wouldnt worry about setting too many Google alerts for people you know. Say you set alerts for 50 people- chances are, youll get three emails a week, which gives you plenty of time to write an email or letter to each. Staying Up-to-DateBetween industry news, local news, national news, and global news, were drowning in headlines. And while staying caught up with whats happening around the world is important, staying caught up with whats happening in your field is pretty darn essential.After all, you should be ready to talk about industry news and trends no matter where you are- at a conference, in a meeting, with a client, talking to your boss, competing in a hackathon, giving a presentation, speaking at an event- you get the picture.To stay up-to-date with whats going on with content marketing, I set just one Google alert content marketing.Heres my rationale. If I set five or six Google alerts (custom content development, content strategy, sponsored content, etc.), then not only will I get overlap, but Ill be recreating the problem Im trying to solve- too much to read Thats why I advise limiting the alerts you set that you expect to be pretty active.In addition, I set the content marketing alert to come just once a week, on Sunday at 5 PM. Thats the perfect time for settling on the couch and absorbing everything thats happened in the past week. Choose a day and time thatll give you the opportunity to actually read your results. Usually, getting more emails is not a good thing. But with Google alerts, each email I get is like a mini career-booster. Will you follow my lead and set them? Do you have alerts going already? Tell me what you track on TwitterPhoto of woman on phone courtesy of Denys Prykhodov / Shutterstock.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Facts, Fiction and Director of Operations Resume

Facts, Fiction and Director of Operations Resume Letters and other correspondence ought to be edited to fit your own personal situation. Companies are prepared to pay top dollar to seek the services of somebody who can deliver success. Journal articles ought to be put in quotation marks. Actually, the additional growth can draw more candidates. So when the hiring company hasnt provided a salary for work, we look at salary data from related geschftlicher umganges and locations to think of a ritterlich estimate for what you may count on. Heres a sample of a cover letter that you may use to submit an application for a director of operations, together with tips for what typical abilities and duties are desired. Both of these certifications can enhance your odds of locating employment for a director of administration. At length, you can consist of relevant links to internet resumes or professional sites. If you need assistance in creating the specified document, you came to the c orrect spot. Utilizing short paragraphs, simple headers, and bulleted lists may give you the additional oomph you want to make an unforgettable resume. With the assistance of these examples, you may create a well-crafted resume yourself. The Secret to Director of Operations Resume Its a comparatively effortless procedure, however its important to place a while into the analysis side. To engage her, you will require a substantive sales pitch. Studying the best method to write resume could be quite an intimidating approach. Or produce an extensive collection of accomplishments in your last few positions and choose the grouping based on the specific position. To find out more on what it requires to be a Managing Director, have a look at our complete Managing Director Job Description. If youre looking for Vp Engineering Job Description youve come to the correct spot. Our Operations Manager resume sample will demonstrate how to create one that is going to stick out from the r est. If this Operations Manager resume example was notlage sufficient for you, youre absolutely free to review several other samples and templates from our website. Furthermore, you can look for operations manager jobs on Monster. Lets launch your work search. Stick to these operations manager resume tips so that it will be less difficult for you to make an effective and highly-usable operations manager profile. The very best sixA operations manager resume tips that you could follow are given below. Its going to be best in the event that you will consider the entirety of theA professional resume templatesA and establish the one which is quite appropriate for your qualifications. Operations directors and COOs require a wide selection of skills. The qualifications are broken up into two segments. Resumes are preferred, in the majority of scenarios, over curriculum vitae. In some instances, directors also have professional certification that lets them concentrate on establish ing improvements and defining goals for the organization. The exact same is true for prospective employers. Make sure you add requirements, benefits, and perks particular to the role and your business. Their goal needs to be the customer satisfaction. Indicate your industry-specific wisdom and include any appropriate experience to demonstrate that youre a wonderful possible asset to the firm. Worked directly with key customers to make sure their needs are satisfied. As everybody knows, the fire service prefers tradition to modify. He must function as a bridge between the top management and the staff. Based on your experience level, you might incorporate the previous 20 decades of experience. Best level programs dont always possess the very best pay though. As highly trained senior-level officials reporting straight to the CEO, clinical operations directors concentrate on the medical part of administration to boost efficiency. A fantastic operations manager is crucial to the success of any business or organization. Clinical operations directors work with the target of boosting economical and effective performance of their health care team whilst delivering high-quality patient services. Among the directors of a provider is the operations manager. Director of Operations Resume - Is it a Scam? Your resume often is going to be the very first opportunity you need to leave a great impression with a possible employer. Even if you are not searching for a job at the present time, it s an excellent concept to keep your resume in a private place beyond your place of employment. The job demands night, weekend and holiday work along with travel. Great luck and receive the perfect job soon.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

6 Hiring Process Lessons Learned from Candidate Feedback - Spark Hire

6 Hiring Process Lessons Learned from Candidate Feedback - Spark HireTheres no better way to truly understand yur hiring process than to tap into the candid experiences of yur candidates. Accepting and processing candidate feedback might feel uncomfortable at first. After all, their unique insight uncovers the good, the bad, and the ugly of yur hiring process. However, genuinely listening and implementing changes inspired by their honest feedback transforms your hiring process for future success.Here are six lessons real-life hiring professionals learned by listening closely to candidates concerns and feedback during the hiring process1. Candidate testing may be backfiringMy business partner and I recently made changes to our interview process based on feedback we received from a candidate we ended up hiring. We hire many writers for our business and we typically give them a test assignment during the interview process to gain a better idea of their ability before extending an offer. Well, we ended up asking a recent hire for feedback on the test assignment. Luckily, this hire was candid with us. She told us the test assignment was hogwash and easy to cheat on. As such, we decided to change the prompt and how the test is administered.We now hold the test in-person at our amtsstube and give the candidates limited resources and time to complete the assignment. So far, it seems the new test format is working. We have a much better idea of the actual writing ability of candidates before making employment decisions.Matthew Ross, co-owner and COO at The Slumber YardThis hire was candid with us. We now have a better idea of ability before making employment decisions. TheSlumberYardClick To Tweet2. Unique interview styles can go amissOne surprising lesson I learned through candidate feedback was that our fun, informal, and off-center way of interviewing gave the impression the business was unorganized and had no direction. For the interview, I would platzset up a quick, impromptu phone call and ask them to do a spontaneous task in front of me. The ad hoc tasks made candidates feel uneasy and under intense pressure, as they had no time to prepare.After learning this, we decided to make a change and structured the process. All applicants were forwarded our hiring structure, when interviews take place, what takes place in the interview, and what to bring. Plus, we let them know when we would share the results of the interview.Since this structure was put into place, we noticed an uptick in candidates replying to our interview request and actually turning up. The quality of the candidates was the same, but mora of them, and they performed higher than their peers who previously took the test. This meant we could cherry-pick excellent candidates instead of trying to convince one of them to work for us.Charles Floate, owner at DFY LinksWe noticed more candidates replying to our interview request and turning up meaning we could pick excellent candidates i nstead of trying to convince them to work for us.Click To Tweet3. Poor onboarding can damage retentionOnce, we hired a social media manager who left after two days of joining us, citing unexpected onboarding experiences. She wrote us a lengthy email about what she thought was wrong with our candidate experience and onboarding activities. We never knew these issues existed.She let us know we didnt have a proper orientation regarding marketing and sales terms. We immediately called and conveyed our deepest regrets and asked for her genuine feedback. We patiently listened to her issues regarding our onboarding experience and convinced her to join us again with the promise that we would work on everything.We made thorough changes to our orientation, training, and initial information dissemination process. Theres also a survey form to be completed after the orientation process. We now focus on continuous improvement of our systems and the bettering of our recruitment and employee experie nce endeavors.Gargi Rajan, head HR mercer at MettlWe made thorough changes to our orientation, training, and initial information dissemination process due to candidate feedback. MettlClick To Tweet4. Accessibility unawarenessOur business is sited in an old tenement building in Glasgow City Centre. Its Victorian and the only access to the office is up a winding staircase theres no lift. That obviously means the only way you can access it is by walking.We were scheduled to interview a candidate who uses a wheelchair, which we, unfortunately, didnt realize until the interview itself. The candidate, quite rightly, pointed out the accessibility problems with the office and about how we should have mentioned that in job ad. We completely agreed and were very embarrassed. When it was clear that the candidate couldnt get up the stairs easily, they withdrew from the interview.From that point on, we changed our interview practices to always mention the fact that accessibility to the office w as limited. And were currently looking to move to an office thats much more accessible for everyone.Will Craig, managing director and CEO at LeaseFetcherWe now always mention the fact that accessibility to the office is limited.Click To Tweet5. Refocus away from candidates experienceOur job roles require niche skills so finding suitable candidates that tick all the boxes can be rare. We have evolved from our first set of interviews and recognized that we didnt always ask the correct variety of questions at each interview stage.From both successful and unsuccessful candidate feedback, we realized we were too heavily fixated on molding our own job requirements to the past/present employment of the candidate. This meant our expectations were not easily met and we had a low hiring rate which was hindering the growth of the company.We started to focus less on work experience relevant to the role and placed much more emphasis on the candidates personality, enthusiasm, and extra-curricular activities such as gruppe sports and life skills, which would be beneficial for the job role. Based on these changes we have employed some amazing people who are key members of the team despite not having the initial work experience. They have stayed with the company and grown with us for many years becoming a valuable asset.Naomi Aharony, managing director at Reboot OnlineFrom candidate feedback, we started to focus less on work experience relevant to the role and placed much more emphasis on the candidates personality. RebootOnlineClick To Tweet6. Organizational fit mattersRecently, while seeking feedback from candidates who were hiring for a senior-level role, I asked more than one unsuccessful candidate for a clear view of what they felt was missing. The hiring process had consisted of an application form, technical assessment, and panel interview. The missing part was organization fit.Your typical interviews focus on technical ability and evidence of competencies. Technical a bilities can be trained and developed, but individual behaviors are much more difficult to change. Its important to make sure you are hiring someone who can live and breathe your organizational values.In a recruitment setting, organizations should have a values-based element to the recruitment process and need to understand what behaviors underpin the values. This means a set of behaviors reflecting the values needs to be developed so they can be thoroughly tested during the interview.Since my client developed their values and embedded them in the recruitment process, theyve had massively positive results from their recruitment and astounding success in their hiring processes.David Rigby, managing director at My People PeopleTechnical abilities can be trained and developed. Its important to hire someone who can live and breathe your organizational values.Click To Tweet

Thursday, November 28, 2019

10 Marketing Resume Samples Hiring Managers Will Notice

10 absatzwirtschaft Resume Samples Hiring Managers Will Notice10 Marketing Resume Samples Hiring Managers Will NoticeAre you looking for a job in marketing? Are PPC, SEO, or CTR your favorite three-letter abbreviations? Do you spend half your day scrolling through social media sites? Youve come to the right place. Lets make your marketing job hund a bit easier with these ten marketing resume samples from HubSpot.These marketing resume samples are perfect for you if youre applying for positions in online marketing, content marketing, email marketing, social media, SEO, advertising, or web production. They will guide you to create just the resume hiring managers are expecting from a marketing job candidate.You should keep in mind, though, that these marketing resume templates are just your springboard. Youll have to customize your resume to suit the position youre applying for and fill it in with relevant information for the recruiters. Include your applicable work experience, relevant platzdeckchen of skills and accomplishments and dont forget to always back your statements with evidence.In marketing, hiring managers are looking for people who are not only professionally excellent but also unique and outstanding. Thats exactly what your resume should convey. Remember this when writing your resume and create one that makes you stand out from the crowd of other marketing job seekers.Check out these 10 marketing resume samples from HubSpot as an inspiration for your awesome marketing resume and get the job of your dreams10 Marketing Resume Samples1. Content Production Specialist resume sample2. Digital Marketing Executive resumeexample 3. Digital Marketing Manager resume template 4. Digital Marketing Strategist resume sample 5. Email Marketing Manager resume example 6. Entry Level Marketing resumesample7. SEO Manager resume sample 8. Social Media Specialist resume sample 9. Web Production Project Manager resume template 10. Inbound Marketing Intern resume sampleWan t to see more marketing resume samples? Check out these 10 marketing resume examples by real people who got hired at Nike, Google, or Yamaha.Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Tony Robbins shares the secrets of his success

Tony Robbins shares the secrets of his successTony Robbins shares the secrets of his successWhen then-President Bill Clinton was facing impeachment, a 31-year-old Tony Robbins got the call. Theyre going to impeach me in the morning, what should I do? Robbins remembers Clinton saying. Since then, Robbins has coached a wide range of powerful people through very difficult times, often at a moments notice.In conversation with Dr. David B. Agus on Monday at the Fortune Brainstorm HEALTH conference, Robbins discussed his journey from a difficult childhood to becoming a successful speaker, author and entrepreneur who has worked with every living U.S. president (except President Trump, who has yet to reach out). In a session titled The Secret To Tony Robbins Success, he shared lessons from his life and career, including the importance of learning from failure and the value of addressing problems before they become crises.Learning through experienceIn 40-plus years of experience and deep prac tice helping people, Robbins explained, Ive put myself in enough crazy environments that Ive had to adapt to so many things, adding, there are only so many problems and there are unlimited ways to solve them.He processes his experiences by looking for patterns, so that hopefully I can compress decades into days, he said. I can learn from those decades of life experience, save it, bring the answer here to myself and others, and see a measurable impact.Referring to Clintons phone call on the eve of his impeachment, Robbins joked that he wished Clinton had called him sooner, but also said that is part of his learning process. I fly without a net and thats part of why Im good, he said.Learning from the bestRobbins also looks to learn from people who are the best in the world at what they do. When I hear about someone who is brilliant, I seek them out, he said. And he wasnt just talking about influencers and professionals. He used the example of a couple that has been together for 65 yea rs and managed to keep the passion alive in their relationship. Theyre not lucky, theyre doing something different, he said.Learning through failure and hardshipRobbins told Agus (a member of Thrive Globals Board of Directors) about his difficult childhood, growing up with an abusive mother who was addicted to prescription drugs and alcohol. He said, If my mom had been the woman Id hoped shed been, I wouldnt be the man Im proud to be.And he explained how one particularly painful childhood memory sparked his desire to give back. I was fed when I was 11, on Thanksgiving. I had no money and no food, he said. And it changed my life. Now, Robbins has partnered with Feeding America to feed one billion people by 2025.Though he has written books on finance, he believes that money doesnt change people, it just magnifies their nature. He told Agus, What you get will never make you happy Who you become, that will make you very happy or very sad.Learning to take care of yourselfAt 58, Robbins h as learned to make taking care of himself a priority. He recently changed his sleep schedule, for example, with positive results. Most of my life its been five or six hours but now Im making myself sleep closer to six as much as I can.When it comes to improving his health, Robbins said, Im using every tool that I can find. That includes cryotherapy and going outside of the country for stem cell treatments. Hes trying to kill the monster when its little, not wait until its big.He likened some of what he does in his life and work to healthcare and the need to focus on preventative care. I also get people when theyre at a position of a challenge, because thats when people actually start to pay attention, just like they do in health, he said. They should have taken care of it all along the way, but now theres a crisis and now theyre willing to do something.This article originally appeared on

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Get Referrals in Sales

How to Get Referrals in SalesHow to Get Referrals in SalesReferrals- otherwise known as getting someone you know to give you warm leads to new prospects- are valuable for salespeople in all industries. Data from Nielsen shows that a salesrolle is four times mora likely to close a sale to a referred lead as opposed to a cold lead. That means you can generate four times as many sales if you focus on getting referrals than if you spent that time cold calling. Thats a huge opportunity to increase sales (and do less cold calling). Fortunately, there are opportunities for referrals all around you. Existing Customers Your own customers are the easiest and friendliest referral source. In fact, if you treat them right, they may well go out and do some selling for you. Thats when you get those wonderful windfall calls from someones co-worker or uncle saying, I hear you sell the best widgets in town. Id like to buy 40 of them. Dont wait for your customers to do all the work for you- pick up the phone and ask for the referral, or send them a referral request letter. Its a good idea anyway to check in with your customers a few weeks or months after the sale. You can ask them how theyre enjoying the product, find out if they have any questions, and then pop the question Who else do you know who can benefit from this product, as you have? According to Nielsen, 92 percent of consumers trust referrals from people they know. New Customers Just after youve closed a sale with someone is the best time to get referrals from them because theyre excited about their new purchase. Some salespeople are nervous about asking for referrals at this point because they just want to get out of there in case the prospect changes their mind. Unless youve used high-pressure tactics to intimidate someone into buying (dont do this) your new customer is probably thrilled and enthusiastic. Hit them up for a referral right away, while their energy and excitement is at its peak. Word-of-mouth re ferrals are the main driving factor behind 20 to 50 percent of all purchasing decisions, according to McKinsey Company. Prospects You Couldnt Close If you pitch a prospect and they turn you down, dont just bolt out the door. Get a referral or two, and youll have changed a loss into a win. You may be shaking your head and thinking, Thats crazy-talk. Why would a person who wouldnt even buy from me give me referrals? A lot of sales fall through not because the prospect dislikes you or your product, but because they just arent a good fit. In that case, its the perfect opportunity to find out if they know someone who is a good fit. Dont assume the prospect doesnt like you and your product. You have nothing to lose by asking. Seventy-seven percent of consumers are more likely to buy a new product after learning about it from a friend or family member, according to Nielsen. Everyone Else Literally, anyone you meet under any circumstances can give you a referral. After all, the ave rage person knows in excess of 250 other people. Do you really think that none of those hundreds of people are a good fit for your products? Ask everyone- your dry-cleaner, your accountant, your neighbor, even the person standing behind you in the supermarket checkout. Youll be amazed at how many leads will drop into your lap as a result of a brief conversation.