Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Client Case Study Tara Sroka - When I Grow Up

Client Case Study Tara Sroka - When I Grow Up Um, do you know that Ive coached hundreds of women since I started offering dream career guidance in 2008? And that these women are freakin rock stars, leaving soul-sucking jobs and traveling the world and launching creative, grown-up businesses and simply doing work that fits their lifestyle goals? Well ya do now and youll hear their stories firsthand in my  Client Case Studies series! I  can hardly believe it, but I first worked with Tara Sroka in July of 2010 (!). We spent a few months together focusing on her design business, and then stayed in touch. Last May, she signed up for  Discover Your Dream Business  because she knew design wasnt her be-all-end-all. It was there where she realized she wanted to be an end-of-life planner, and shes now the founder of  Bringing Death Into Life! I cant wait til she tells you what helped her get here. Enjoy the goodness below! Why did you decide to work with me? I’ve been working with Michelle on/off for many years because I was unhappy in my career. She’s helped me dig deep to discover a lot about myself and uncover my passion, which I’m truly grateful for. What were you doing work-wise when we started working together and what are you doing now? I was and still am working in advertising BUT I know what my true passion is now End of Life Planning, which I’m working hard to make it a full time business at Bringing Death Into Life. What was your biggest takeaway from our work together? Putting in the time and work truly makes a difference. Self reflection is scary but it leads to amazing things, especially with an awesome cheerleader like Michelle rooting for you. Think of someone who is currently in the shoes you wore when we first started working together. What advice do you have for her? Be patient, breathe and take it one day at a time. It takes a lot of hard work but you’ll get there keep going! Is there anything thats been a game-changer for you when it comes to your business that you can share? Wed love a good resource or a mindset/productivity tip! One mindset that has helped me over the last year is to get comfortable “not knowing” and being uncomfortable. To be honest, this idea has been an ongoing struggle for me but I’ve found tremendous growth and discovery from this concept as you never know where life if going to take you. Let go, be open, and be curious. Whats on the horizon for your business? Wed love to hear about any upcoming offerings or goals!   I want to lessen the fear stigma around death and help people deal with their mortality in a creative and productive way that will hopefully ensure their final wishes are honored. I’m accepting new clients who are looking for help with any of their end of life planning with these 3 options: 1 month, 3 month 6 month packages. Head over to bringingdeathintolife.com and visit my “Work With Me” section to figure out how we can work best together. While you’re there, take a minute to sign up to receive my free Password List and by signing up, you’ll be subscribed to my newsletter with interesting stories, tidbits and other useful items. I am also looking to educate as many people as possible about end of life options just as many women make birth plans, I would love to see more people making death plans, so please consider me for any event that may be applicable to this subject. Where can we find you and your work? Website: bringingdeathintolife.com, Instagram: @bringingdeathintolife, Facebook: facebook.com/bringingdeathintolife, Pinterest: pinterest.com/bringingdeathintolife Ready to discover *your* dream business? No-obligation applications are open for my foundational 8-week program thatll clarify the WHAT of your dream business and will teach you the HOW.  See you there!

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